Roofing Project Portfolio
CYE replaced both of these built-up roofs with new modified bitumen roof systems. The total roof area of construction was 83,000 square feet. Building 110 had a concrete deck and building and Building 160 had a wood deck. This project required strategic access locations due to the high traffic use of the building and interior protection. Read More

CYE replaced the roof on the Exchange (shopping center) at Naval Station Mayport with a total roof area of 73,000 square feet in 2012. This was a complete roof replacement down to the metal deck with a new modified bitumen roofing system. Read More

In 2013, CYE was commissioned by NAS Jacksonville to install a leak-free coating system over the existing membrane roof of a 23,000 square foot building. This building had existing drains, rooftop units and penetrations that required a specialty flashing system. Read More

The purpose of this project was to replace a frangible roof at Eglin Air Force Base. The roofs on this building are designed mechanically open, and to vent the interior space in the event of an explosion or fire. The existing roof covering was replaced with a new standing seam metal roof. Read More